Quixote is a book of abstract illustrations that combine my abilities as a graphic designer and an artist. The concept is inspired by the story of Don Quixote, a man motivated by his foolish, rash ideals. These ideals led him into problematic situations, like trusting wicked, unreliable people and chasing down imaginary dragons. This tale provided the foundation for the art book. My aim was to create a connection between the exaggerated events and emotions in my work and our everyday experiences.
The book is formatted to display my 66 illustrations in an organized sequence. The cover is a full 16’’ x 8’’ spread rendered similarly to the book's interior content. Pieces have an array of color palettes and compositions, so other elements in the book were made to support them, rather than compete with them. Gates found in the book employ typography that allows those who want to quickly scan the page to easily pick up on the main ideas of each section.